Consultations for Health Care Providers 
Private Consultations:
General Health Concerns
Stress Management
Weight Loss and Nutrition
Neck and Back Problems
Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)
Non-Surgical Face Lift
Energy Attunement Sessions
>> Consultations for Health Care Providers
Consultations For People In The Creative Arts
Spiritual Consultations
Workshops & Seminars:
Spinal Mobilization Therapy
Shoulder Mobilization Therapy
Therapeutic Touch
Practice Building for Professional Health Groups
Related Articles and Information:
'THE FORCE' As A Healing Energy
Stop Getting Shorter As You Age
Health Benefits for Therapists Practicing Spinal Mobilization
My Personal Experience With Spinal Mobilization Therapy
Healers Helping Healers

It is not uncommon, in the career of a health professional, for "burn-out" to occur to some degree.  The early stages of burn-out manifest in symptoms such as; tiredness, loss of eagerness for one's chosen field of service, boredom, anxiety, degrees of depression, personal illness, loss of concentration, declining income, and personal relationship problems.

It is no wonder that those who have had a calling to administer their healing expertise to the health needs of others can find themselves in a state of malaise.  Professionals are constantly looked upon by those in their care to be an example of abundant health and vitality. This often places an extraordinary demand on one's parameters to always be that perfect model.  Health caregivers are not immune to the pitfalls of human existence.

Down periods are often intensified by feelings of guilt, hypocrisy, self-denial, lowered self-image and inadequacy, among other self-defeating mechanisms.  After all, if you profess knowledge of a healing art, then why are you not well?

In today's corporate/insurance/bottom-line health care industry, wherein health care providers are treated as mere technical dispensaries, rather than healers practicing their art while striving to give the best care to their those they serve, it is common to lose one's sense of true self.

I have encountered this dilemma countless times as a director of medical centers, a holistic health center and with health professionals as patients in my private practice.  There are ways to reconnect with one's self, reaffirm one's purpose and re-establish one's health and vitality – especially for those who already possess specific insight and knowledge in the paradigms of health and disease.

Your unique background and training serves as an advantageous starting point.  Core principles of correction can be readily understood and applied, and progress can often be made in a short time.  Helping healers to heal is my revered specialty because once they are back on their privileged path with renewed purpose and energy; they in turn, are better able to help others heal.

What percentage of your potential are you fulfilling to better serve your patients and to better serve yourself? 

As a health care provider, you owe it to yourself and to your patients to truly feel and radiate your highest potential of physical, emotional, spiritual health and vitality.

Click here to schedule an appointment or consultation with Sage.

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