Consultations For People In The Creative Arts  
Private Consultations:
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Non-Surgical Face Lift
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>> Consultations For People In The Creative Arts
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Workshops & Seminars:
Spinal Mobilization Therapy
Shoulder Mobilization Therapy
Therapeutic Touch
Practice Building for Professional Health Groups
Related Articles and Information:
'THE FORCE' As A Healing Energy
Stop Getting Shorter As You Age
Health Benefits for Therapists Practicing Spinal Mobilization
My Personal Experience With Spinal Mobilization Therapy
Creative energy often comes like surfing waves in the ocean. Some days the energy waves are strong and powerful, some days the surf is flat. When creative waves peak and you are in tune and at the ready, you catch and ride with the creative energy as far as it will take you. You realize that you have really caught it because you haven't thought about eating, watching TV or felt tired while working into the late night.

You were being so energized that those habitual creature comfort needs were put on hold because the vitally important creative part of you was being nourished. You were in the zone experiencing a natural high.

There are times the waves may be ideal, but you are not in shape to get yourself in the right place to catch the wave. You are too tired or depressed. You are not physically, mentally, emotionally or psychologically well. Your spirits are down. Worse, you don't even want to try. You have experienced great exhilarating waves before, but now, your desire to try to catch the wave just isn't there.

The reality is, that even people with catastrophic illnesses, who still possess the true desire in their heart, have been able to overcome the obstacles of their illnesses and have managed to accomplish significant creative goals. Sometimes, that is a period when they have produced astounding works.

Fortunately, most people do not have a physical catastrophic illness. Yet their mental, psychological and spiritual blockages act like a rock jetty that prevents the creative waves in the sea of life from reaching them. Often, the creative person even ingeniously creates these blockages! Fortunately, blockages can also be creatively dissolved.

Each person's challenges are unique and each holistic program is uniquely designed to meet those challenges. A wide variety of techniques are utilized to restore balance, energy, focus and enthusiasm, and simultaneously shed old habit-patterns that no longer serve anyone.

As their blocked channels open up to allow the creative energy to flow into their consciousness, ideas and visions will flood their mind, pick them up and propel them towards their goal. The unique holistic program is an art form and creative partnership intended to re-establish and expand the parameters of one's creativity.

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